Portage Point Resort Update from Mr. Gezon 9/27/2023

Mr. Gezon met with property manager at the PPI on 9/22/23 to determine what needs to be removed from the Ballfield.

NOTE:  From the S.U.P.>>

             The storage of machinery, equipment, docks and other items of personal property which are commonly used in connection with the operation of a “Waterfront Resort Complex” having the types of facilities which may be located on the Premises pursuant to this Special Use Permit or which are commonly used by the owners and occupants of such a complex.

Mr. Gezon has contracted a licensed surveyor to remark and stake the property line, as the property was previously surveyed and well marked, but the survey stakes were removed by unknown person(s).  A re-survey is needed to ensure proper placement of the greenbelt.

Mr. Gezon contacted the Manistee County Conservation Office for advice on tree species, placement, spacing, etc.  A meeting between representatives of that office and Mr. Gezon is scheduled for October 25th.  MCC will test the soil for nutrients to determine the best planting and suggest appropriate soil amendments to maximize health and growth of the plantings.  Further, MCC staff strongly advised that trees / screening plants NOT be planted until early Spring 2024.

MCC suggests that Arborvitae is not the best planting for this purpose and recommends a mix of various species t hat will function as a diverse screen providing habitat for a wide variety of birds and other wildlife.

Mr. Gezon has every intention to follow the recommendations of the MCC staff.